Saturday, February 18, 2017

What is "Organising Energy"?

After posting my holiday jigsaw pic on twitter, it occurred to me that Organising Energy has a considerable image problem, namely that it potentially seems totally disorganised! Although I'm the first to agree that my blogs and tweets  lack cohesion or structure, in their own way they remain true to the theme and intention of the purpose of my creating this blog and twitter account.

Organising Energy was born from my desperate desire to have a home that was less cluttered; however right from the beginning I realised that the concept of cluttered living wasn't as simple as having a bit of a clean out. My research and experience in my home had already showed me that my state of mind and health have a significant impact on how effectively I kept clutter at bay on a day to day basis. So health, attitude, wellness of mind all become part of the complexity. As I discover more about all thee facets of living I find that mental and emotional clutter impact on the state of energy - so much depends on a healthy mind and body!

Which leads me to the most rewarding discovery of 2013 - the incredible power of music. Both my husband and I rediscovered the positive energy created by enjoyment of live music.  Live music, and indeed other events that bring together humanity in a shared experience (footy grand finals, tai chi) serve a purpose in emotional regulation and spiritual refreshment.

I'm writing this piece now in 2016, three years later, due to an extended period of distraction in my life. The concept of 'organising energy' for me has not changed; it remains about the holistic reality of mind, spirit, body and physical environment coming together as the energy of my life.  I've been carrying on with these principles to varying extents in the past couple of years and the truism remains. One needs to regulate all aspects regularly to make progress.

So that is why my 'organising energy' can cover such a wide range of topics. The physical project for me is to live in a less cluttered, more aesthetically pleasing home, however the journey to that is not one that involves holding items to check for 'joy', or 'becoming minimalist'.

I hope you are interested in following along that journey as I pick up blogging again.

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