Thursday, January 31, 2013

A new blog!

The theme of this blog is Organising Energy. Its about energy. And how to keep energy pointing at the things that are important.

The Online dictionary says Energy is 1.The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. and organising is 1.Arrange into a structured whole; order: "organize lessons in a planned way". 2.Coordinate the activities of (a person or group) efficiently. So thats what I'm on a mission to do. Arrange my physical and mental (and emotional) strength and vitality into an efficient arrangement.

Or, get things the hell done. At the moment I have a facebook group, a very underused plan for my house, some goals for this year and a lot of wishful thinking.

I am hoping to branch out by starting this blog documenting how I'm going on the path of energy organisation. My first realisation is that I've been spending a bit of time treading water intellectually. At this point, I'm also going to start with a big list of my realisations and projects.

  • I need to put more positive, tidy energy into the house than Keegan has reserves of negative, messy energy. Huge challenge
  • I need to stick to my plans, even if this means changing a family holiday to a 'Kay' holiday? Still thinking this one over.
  • From a book called 'The Happiness Project' I have grasped that happiness is more feeling good, less feeling bad, more feeling right and growing. simple but complicated.

  • Blog organising energy
  • Blog 'playplaces'
  • Cooking / cake decorating (on hold)
  • Crocheting hats
  • Markets
  • Making the house respectable for housesitting
  • Looking after Dad 
  • New Zealand holiday in April
  • Island holiday overseas June / July
  • Campervanning holiday semester 2 this year? skiing!
  • Looking after my health - exercise, physiotherapy, diet and dentist.
I am expecting a lot of myself. I hope it all comes to fruition. Must work on the passive language. Its no use hoping. I'm going to make it come to fruition.
This is me, walking along the beach, into my future!