The Online dictionary says Energy is 1.The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. and organising is 1.Arrange into a structured whole; order: "organize lessons in a planned way". 2.Coordinate the activities of (a person or group) efficiently. So thats what I'm on a mission to do. Arrange my physical and mental (and emotional) strength and vitality into an efficient arrangement.
Or, get things the hell done. At the moment I have a facebook group, a very underused plan for my house, some goals for this year and a lot of wishful thinking.
I am hoping to branch out by starting this blog documenting how I'm going on the path of energy organisation. My first realisation is that I've been spending a bit of time treading water intellectually. At this point, I'm also going to start with a big list of my realisations and projects.
- I need to put more positive, tidy energy into the house than Keegan has reserves of negative, messy energy. Huge challenge
- I need to stick to my plans, even if this means changing a family holiday to a 'Kay' holiday? Still thinking this one over.
- From a book called 'The Happiness Project' I have grasped that happiness is more feeling good, less feeling bad, more feeling right and growing. simple but complicated.
- Blog organising energy
- Blog 'playplaces'
- Cooking / cake decorating (on hold)
- Crocheting hats
- Markets
- Making the house respectable for housesitting
- Looking after Dad
- New Zealand holiday in April
- Island holiday overseas June / July
- Campervanning holiday semester 2 this year? skiing!
- Looking after my health - exercise, physiotherapy, diet and dentist.
This is me, walking along the beach, into my future!