Cleaning party to Springsteen!
There were fabulous parts to my day. Getting to see the excellent quality live-streamed Rock in Rio concert was one of them. Doing that while sorting out a massive pile of papers at least got me through the cleaning up in one piece.
Here's what I'm up to - its the Cleaning Grand Plan from Organized Home. I am loving trying something new and sticking with a new method of getting things done - breaking out of my previous habit of insanely repeating the same things over and over and hoping for a miraculous change.
Today I moved along all the clean laundry from the laundry room into bedrooms and the linen closet, freeing up room to move shelving from in the laundry to it's proper destination - the kitchen. However the spot for the shelving in the kitchen was a little cluttered with what I like to call "boxes of rubbish" but apparently are made up of equal parts bills and children's artworks with a selection of random craft, mementos and photographs!
This is the pile of papers for my father that I need to copy! Oh how I long for a lackey to do THAT for me!
I did take some lovely photos of elder child's artwork. I like how insanely bright this is! She doesn't want to throw it all away, but my next project is to label it as photographed and if it drifts out of her bedroom then in the bin it goes. I also hope to print out a collage to frame on the wall, but thats a project for another day.

What I learnt today was that it is a very bad thing to let bills get out of control and pile up, because in this household, that means they eventually end up in a random box with other non-bill things and that's never going to end well. I also learnt that getting control of paperwork is going to always be an ongoing thing for me, its not at all my strong suit. In fact papers would easily be where I lose the war with 'stuff' - I am reconsidering the sanity of having all bills arrive by email. For me personally that would require a separate 'bills' email account so they didn't get lost in my general and junk mail. That's certainly something to get onto, as then the 'paper' could pile up inside my computer where only I see it!
This afternoon's exercise was a walk up the hill from the children's playground to my Dad's nursing home, about 20 minutes with views like this along the way.
Sunset over the river. Glorious time for walking in a beautiful place.
I have a thing for clover on the side of the road. Especially around the bottom of very old telegraph poles :)
Tomorrow is a work day, also a day for sorting out quite a bit for my Dad. Hubby should be working on the shelving while I'm gone, so kitchen progress will be made. Tuesday all going well I will move on to the next cleaning adventure on the Grand Plan.
I forgot to mention tomorrow is ticket day for Springsteen! I'm trying for all 3 newly announced concerts. Trying for seats in Adelaide for my boy and I to go, and GA for Perth and Hunter Valley. Eep!