Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We Take Care of Our Own - Yes, thats what I'm doing

I first saw Bruce Springsteen and the incredible E Street Band on 14 March this year, in Brisbane, the very first of the Australian nights.  The concert opened with "We Take Care of Our Own", and the magic that avid fans know well had begun.  Part of it is the amazing sounds of the E Street Band, part of it the pure Springsteen voice. 

I was lucky enough to hear this song again in Melbourne on 26 March, this time 2nd up, after a resounding 'Badlands' with full lights on in the arena.

But it wasn't until tonight that I could put words to the effect that "We Take Care of Our Own" has on me. Aside from energising me thoroughly - I jogged for the first time in about a decade this evening - this song summed up the situation I find myself in with my father in multiple ways.

Tonight, for me, it meant we're living in a totally screwed up world, where our values are up to shit, as my Dad is now fond of saying whenever he's ill.

It means fighting the system to be able to take care of my Dad.

Which is why this post is not longer. I may be busy away from blogging and twitter for a little while, taking care of one of my own.

1 comment:

  1. In good news, Dad is out of hospital, although not out of the woods. We Take Care of Our Own is truly an inspiration to keep on going, doing just that.
