Thursday, April 18, 2013

Motivational Thursday - Prepare for the weekend!

As my Thursday comes to an end, I'm setting myself an hour to prepare for the weekend and make the most of the inspiration of the original "motivational Thursday"

In that hour I'm going to spend 15 minutes giving the house a general once-over. Tidying up, making sure lunchboxes and clothes are ready for tomorrow, sweep the floors if I get time.

Then I'm spending 15 minutes going over what the amazing Flylady calls 'Hotspots' where all the junk of your universe collects. I'm going to honour myself by targetting those spots! For me that is the bottom of my stairs, the hallway and the kitchen table. There are more but I think those 3 will take me 15 minutes!

My last half hour is going to be spent going for a 15 minute walk to make sure that I'm physically energised and ready for the weekend, as well as renewing all the good exercise hormones!

Finally I'm going to spend 15 minutes doing something I thoroughly enjoy, for the sake of fun. It will probably be crochet as I'm almost done on another hat and would like to finish it.

I really need a good hat photographer!
A short blog tonight, but one that inspires and motivates I hope. Try taking one hour to nourish yourself and your environment. Be prepared (15 minutes tidy), honour yourself (clean hotspots), honour your body (exercise) and take time to nourish your spirit by doing something you love.

Happy Motivational Thursday!


  1. It's a bit more than an hour later and I am happy enough with how my hour is going. I managed to get lunchboxes and clothes ready for tomorrow; cleaned off the stairs (interrupted by baby); enjoyed a walk and am about to do some crochet.

  2. Interestingly though, this hour of power at night has had a similar effect to the 15 minute before bed clean-up. Its just too energising before bedtime. I work better with less late night motivation! So no more hours of power at night, which is what happened last time my daily plan involved doing anything after children are asleep!
