Monday, April 1, 2013

Notes to self about life, the universe and Bruce

Before it all fades totally I am writing up some notes before I start gathering my thoughts all over again to dig deeper into the strange week that has been.

What I have learnt:

* to practice and seek feedback

* to not make excuses

* that a massage after a day at work would be good (musing on how nice that must be after hearing about Bruce Springsteen's post-concert routine)

* to let go and grab hold of what I have

Hopefully there will be and some other insights to follow. Thus far, the 'Bruce Springsteen Holiday" has left our little family with the following:

* no more milk drinks in the car - everyone drinks more water!

* no more excuses for not exercising and for eating poorly, I'm getting this weight and tossing it

* less swearing

* both my husband and myself are more aware of our tendency to call "poor me" like victims

* for me, letting go of whats gone, and grabbing hold of what is <- font="" important="" more="" nbsp="">

* strangely higher blood pressure for me!

* a LOT of motivation now that we are home, particularly for me

I'm sure there is more, but thats it from me for now. A more thorough post, including the update from our entry clean-up from a week ago will follow. Its all on the way!

Oh and I have a new goal - I want to meet someone who inspires me. By this I mean I want to get the inspired feeling, then meet said person. I suppose a second goal that is more noteworthy is to find something in everyone that inspires me.  Plenty of people inspire me and perhaps I don't appreciate it or reflect on it sufficiently because its not as 'in your face' as a 3 hour rock and soul concert.

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