Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Busy Days

Its the time of year when I like to try to enjoy myself, but am often overwhelmed by the volume of things that need to happen between now and the closing of the year!

In our household there are 3 birthdays, 2 school end of year's events, and finally Christmas.  I like to 'get my Christmas on' early, and it so rarely happens. Most of the time it is less than a week before the big day that we finally decorate.

This year I'm busily getting life in some semblance of order now, before the silly season begins.

In the past week I've organised my 2 children's birthday celebrations - both sets of invitations have now been sent, bookings made and presents are in the works.

I've also spent time checking both schools and sporting activities for upcoming events and have transferred them into my phone's calendar as well as on to an A4 sheet  for the months as I need the visual reminder!

I got stuck into the lawnmowing this afternoon, as a prelude to putting up lights - these will be first on the agenda this weekend, alongside last minute birthday shopping.

All the things to do are making me dizzy. The idea is that this year, my attitude of simplifying and organising will combine to mean that the lights really do go up this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. update is that some lights went up, but not on. Must work on this Friday.
