Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Same lessons, different day, different year

I've been struck lately, amidst running about like a crazy person from one very important task to another, at just how repetitive life lessons are.  Here I am, gaining weight, in pain, feeling anxious and realising that so many things I've blogged about such as being prepared, taking time to relax, regrouping, drinking enough water, making no excuses remain the life lessons I still need to learn!

Making time for reflection, that was another of the important life skills I'd focussed on, particularly in making a commitment to blogging. Yet I still don't find the time regularly.

However I did have one moment of reflection while talking with a lifelong friend earlier in the week, which I will share with you now.

At the end of all our days, when our life is nearing it's completion, the only thing that matters is the shared belonging of our family and friends, and the qualities and values and love that we see shining from the younger generations.  When everything else fades away, those things endure with the same meaning across the generations.

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