Thursday, October 24, 2013

its all about the food ...

According to the personal trainers I've encountered, that's the trick. Food. The exercise is great, but it is really all about the food.

So tonight I was restrained and did not eat chocolate cake. I feel better for having avoided it.   Which reminds me I need to make Tai Chi a Christmas cake.

But back to this food thing. Today I was particularly inspired, by one of Bruce Springsteen's fellow band members, Ed Manion, who shared a picture of his morning jog on Facebook.  We all need to constantly keep active, it reminded me.

So I did 2 sets of Tai Chi in the 30 degree heat!

And this afternoon on my walk, I discussed the food issue with my friend in exercise and Bruce.  We came to the conclusion that although it is primarily about food, there is nothing like sweating, straining and being physically demanding of your body to get a very clear understanding of how much that effort is wasted by snacking.   My sources informed me this morning that one cupcake requires 30 minutes walking to burn off.  So any time I eat a cupcake, that is that days walk wasted.

If I hadn't walked, for some reason, I'd be more likely to forget how much hard work I put into exercise when I'm doing it, and therefore more likely to eat the dodgy chocolately things.

Exercise also helps in other ways. It really does make me more cheerful. And there is nothing more energising and calorie burning than happiness. Happiness seems to lead to bouncing with energy.

I'm finding it hard to be grateful these days, or to be particularly happy, so here goes the 3 things I'm grateful for today -

1. that my daughter had the funky ex-rock n roll band member as her bus driver this afternoon. It made her happy which made me happy. 

2. That the power came back on tonight so that we could wash school uniforms :)

3. grateful that my Dad looked good this morning and was able to talk on the phone with me this afternoon.

and finally I'm grateful to be getting a somewhat early night - last night was a shocker with 2 children awake at different times of the night!

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