Tuesday, October 29, 2013

no excuses!

For the past few weeks, I've encountered a bit of a problem with my attitude, the excuses creeping in. During the winter I walked in the freezing cold, and I walked in the rain at night. I did not let the weather stop me from getting the exercise I need. Since the weather has warmed up, I have found myself quite often putting off going for a walk based on the warm weather - avoiding walking in the heat of the day. While this is a sensible decision if I can walk at another time, while I am so time constrained, it is sometimes going to be the middle of the day or not at all! Given that I'm still 10 kgs off my goal weight, and running low on time to achieve it, I can't afford to be fussy about the inclement weather in summer any more than I was in winter!

So today will be a busy day of exercise, I'm going for a walk shortly, to Tai Chi in the middle of the day and then to Tai Chi again tonight. I'm hoping that will kick start my week to include more Tai Chi tomorrow and a walk every day as well as Tai Chi when it is available.

Diet-wise I'm teetering between healthy and not so great. I restrained myself from eating bread yesterday, which is a huge win!

All of this change was inspired by reading this post on Project Eve this morning about how to regroup the inner self.

PS if you are wondering why the complete lack of photos lately, the secret is that I have a new phone and have not yet mastered the art of downloading the photos!

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