Friday, October 11, 2013

Spiralling up or down? It's my choice.

Sadly I attended a funeral today. As they do, this one got me thinking about life, and what it all means.

My revelation for the evening is this:

Life is like a marriage.  You are either actively contributing towards its success, or your apathy is actively working against it. 

I was told this about relationships a long time ago and have found it to be proven true time and time again. Applying the principle to 'living life' works in the same way. Apathy or not engaging is simply another way of going out of your way not to live life to the fullest.

My exercise and eating have come unstuck lately. I've gained weight :(  I was contemplating this while wondering how to get it all back on track and I realised that this principle applies.  I'm either working with all I have towards healthy living, or by doing 'nothing' I am in fact descending rapidly into unhealthy habits again.  For some people this may not be so prounounced but for me it is very clear that apathy equates to negativity. 

I keep having to remind myself to continue to blog, and to keep up all the range of good habits I began. I get forgetful and imagine that as long as I exercise and eat well that I'm doing 'good', when in fact I've proven to myself this year that blogging, gratitude and other habits are as important as the exercise and they contribute to my capacity to maintain the exercise and good eating habits under stressful circumstances.

Ergo, that we are constantly in motion and as creatures of habit our motion tends to keep going in the direction we are travelling - thus we are either spiralling up (working towards the good stuff) or spiralling down (away from the good stuff).

I choose to keep spiralling up. I choose to keep choosing this, over and over again.

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