Sunday, April 28, 2013

Shackled and Drawn and lost for words.

What can I say about Shackled and Drawn except that we all feel that way at some point? Isn't it a universal concept of being stuck in a repetitive rut that never ends?

What I find absolutely wonderful again is the uplifting music, the infectious need to dance (and to attempt to dance like Bruce) and the energy the song inspires, along with the memories of Bruce playing games with the audience, having us repeat the variations of the opening sounds until it just got silly :)

The pounding beat is terrific for motivation when exercising too, its one of my favourites for pushing through the tiredness towards the end of my walks.

My youngest loves dancing to this one especially, my eldest is learning the words so she can sing it to me, my husband whistles it and my son seems to manage to learn the words although he swears he doesn't like it (which doesn't explain him dancing like a crazy dude with us when its on!).

As you can see, I'm running out of words when it comes to Springsteen songs, probably because as time passes from the concerts, my feelings have become more complex and my understanding (and lack thereof) has become deeper.  The whole band's contribution to each and every song performed live is amazing. I am in awe of all people who can put to words and music so much emotion, to tell stories and to inspire and motivate and heal with their gifts.

Thank you Bruce and the E Street Band!

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