Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What you think will happen, does!

I'm incredibly shocked at how pervasive this truth is.  Yesterday was one of those days, I woke up out of sorts, found fault with many things, had a few things go wrong, and was in an established bad mood before even getting in the car for school drop-off. After that it was an uphill battle to find the good in the day!

And what a day it turned out to be! Despite a very enjoyable hour in the middle of the day with my good friend and toddler listening to, discussing and dancing to all things Springsteen (and Pete Murray), it wasn't long before one more inconvenience threw me for six again!

In the end, I realised that I just needed to get through the day, any which way, and I gave myself permission to just let it go. I ate junk food and didn't exercise.  Not because I can afford to do that, but because I realised I would start the next day knowing I needed to exercise even more!

One thing I managed to do, was make a simple change to improve my morning, with hubby doing school drop-off before work. This made all the difference this morning, and I woke up in a great deal of pain (negativity breeds pain for auto-immune disease, I'm sure), but didn't let it get to me, I've taken paracetamol and done 15 minutes Tai Chi and the pain is almost gone!

I'm so glad that I was able to let go of yesterday, make some improvements that I felt would give today more chance at being positive, and so far, at 8:30am, its looking like being an altogether pleasant and productive day!

As I type this I am realising, that despite my awful mood yesterday, I still strived, almost all day, to see the positive, to create solutions.  They may not have worked yesterday, but those positive thoughts did pave the way for today to work out better, I gave myself a chance to make sure today was going to be ok!  Not only with school drop-off, but I made plans to go to a playgroup this morning, and have been thinking good things about that since yesterday afternoon. I've been thinking positive about school pick-up time, seeing the good in it rather than the inconvenience of lugging my poor toddler about in and out of the car.  I also held onto my 'integrity' - this kept me centred, despite feeling out of control at times!

It takes repetitive, consistent, and even more repetitive positive attitude sometimes. And we can't be constantly happy, sometimes we get sad, or mad; but the backbone of believing and self-talk that positive things are possible, and are even happening right now makes all the difference, sometimes not immediately, but the more 'looking on the bright side' the more likely that the happy will return more quickly after a bad moment / day. I need to remember the bright side side!

There  will be more to come about the positive, solution oriented attitude. It makes all the difference! 

Today is wonderful. My daughter is dancing to Bruce Springsteen, and I am 900 grams off my goal weight for April :)

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