Monday, July 1, 2013

Happiness Challenge Day 6

Today I'm blogging in the middle of the day because I'm alone in the house, supposed to be making progress on cleaning things that children can't be home for (scrubbing floors and craft cupboard cleaning). I'm going even slower than yesterday however, so its only mildly effective as a plan.

In between enjoying Bruce Springsteen songs I'm working my way slowly through the remnants of the cleaning of the bookshelf on the kitchen table.

I'm going to continue with my 10 points as its is like a cheat's way of diary keeping, it covers most categories of my life that are important.

Exercise & Tai Chi
Everything Else
Lights out

Remembering diet and lights out seem to have been the most difficult things. In fact my diet really hasn't improved more than marginally since the challenge began on Monday.

I do have an idea for more Bruce-related posts, that I want to write about how some of the lyrics affect me. I've done this before with "We Are Alive" but I'm keen to visit some of his other songs and lyrics and reflect on the relevance to organising energy.

For now, its back to cleaning. I am finding cleaning to be a very draining, energy out activity. I would have thought that I would enjoy it and get more satisfaction and sense of acomplishing something than I am, however all I am feeling at the end is tired and like I've been spending a lot of emotional energy, which is weird.

In the end, as I lay in bed I can look out and see the floor I scrubbed this afternoon, it is shining and clean in the glow from the night-light. I'm still tired and drained but oh-so-happy that job is done!

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